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BeitragVerfasst am: Di 17. Apr 2012, 07:00
von helanlan
If your kids love to watch Handy Manny on television you won't be surprised when your son or daughter asks the big question this year.[url=http://www.pennemontblanc.com/]mont blanc[/url] , "Hey Mom, can I have a Handy Manny Birthday Party?" You don't have to even think about it before you say, "Yes, Honey, You can have a Handy Manny Birthday Party!" Why not? Because it's easy to throw a party with Manny as the theme.[url=http://www.cheaplouisvuitton-us.com/]louis vuitton travel[/url] , You can find everything (just about!) that you need right at your fingertips!

Your computer is filled with free party ideas, free clip art, free coloring pictures and lots of how to make a cake recipes.[url=http://www.cheapandorasjewellery.com/]pandora wood beads[/url] , You can also find lots of cheap party supplies...all this information and party supplies...and you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home.[url=http://www.sellbestpandora.com/]pandora outlet[/url] , That works for me...How about you?

With the clip art you can make your own party invitations! You can find party supplies with Handy Manny right on them.[url=http://www.pandorasjewelrystore.com/]pandora charms[/url] , You can find a Handy Manny Pinata for a fun party activity. Turn free coloring pages into a fun party activity and a free party favor too. Just put a couple sheets into a goodie bag. If you've got some extra crayons put them in too...all done!

Look for how to make a cake directions. You will find lots of them in your child's favorite flavor. There will be lots of frosting recipes too, so you are sure to find exactly what you need. Now for the extra special effect for the top of your homemade cake... Get an edible cake topper...or buy a plastic cake topper. Just put it right on top of your frosted homemade cake and you've got a beautifully decorated cake that you made yourself. Good Job Mom!

There are lots of classic fun party games that kids have been playing for decades. How did these fun games stay around for such a long time? Because they are lots of fun. Just add a little twist to them and make them fit your party theme idea. Pin the Tail on the Donkey becomes Pin the Tool on Handy Manny's Tool Belt or Print out some free coloring pages of Handy Manny and have a coloring contest...one where everyone gets a prize! Your prize can be some Handy Manny coloring pages to take home, and some crayons to go with them. It's a prize and a party favor rolled up into one.

Give all the kids name tags in the shape of a tool cut out of colored paper. Play treasure hunt...well in this case Tool Hunt! Hide some plastic tools around the yard or house and let everyone try to find them. You can also give each child clues written on paper that will lead them to another clue...until finally they find the hidden object.
So this year when your child asks if they can have a Handy Manny party you can say yes,